Alt Codes For Mac
- Keyboard Symbols Mac
- Alt Codes Mac E
- French Alt Codes For Mac
- Alt Codes For Mac Keyboard
- Keyboard Ok Symbol
1. Currency and Legal Symbols | |
Alt+0163 | £ |
Alt+0162 | ¢ |
Alt+0128 | € |
Alt+0165 | ¥ |
0024+Alt+X | $ |
Alt+0164 | ¤ |
Alt+0169 | © |
Alt+0174 | ® |
Alt+0153 | ™ |
Alt+0167 | § |
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Below is a list of the common key codes for quick reference, taken from Events.h. If you need to use these keycodes in an application, you should include the Carbon framework: Objective-C: #include Swift: import Carbon.HIToolbox. You can then use the kVKANSIA constants directly. Fabulous Code Chart for International Letters (Diacritical Marks) for PC and MAC (AlT & HTML) Many special characters from Latin-based languages can be entered on an English keyboard by entering ALT codes via the keyboard's numeric pad. These same international characters can be entered into webpages by using their HTML or ASCII codes. Mac control alt delete: When considering the bigger computer spectrum, ctrl alt del plays a very significant role. For PC’s, the shortcut key helps to attain several functions and they are as follows. This option is widely used to directly lock the PC without having to. Alt + 914: Β (upper-case Beta) Alt + 915: Γ (upper-case Gamma) Alt + 916: Δ (upper-case Delta) Alt + 917: Ε (upper-case Epsilon) Alt + 918: Ζ (upper-case Zeta) Alt + 919: Η (upper-case Eta) Alt + 920: Θ (upper-case Theta) Alt + 921: Ι (upper-case Iota) Alt + 922: Κ (upper-case Kappa) Alt + 923: Λ (upper-case Lambda) Alt + 924: Μ (upper-case Mu) Alt + 925: Ν (upper-case Nu) Alt + 926. Ensure that the Num Lock is On. Press and hold the Alt key. While the Alt key is pressed, type the codes via Numeric Keypad. From the Alt code in the below table. Now release the Alt key, and the special characters will appear. Many fonts improperly display as: Alt 166 as ª rather than.
One of those three options will give you the ability to enter any character you need. Basic characters that require alt codes in Windows, like em and en dashes, accented vowels, n with a tilde, bullets, trademark, copyright, registration, and so on, can be typed with simple two- and three-key combinations on a Mac. Syncios for mac reviews.
Keyboard Symbols Mac
2. Mathematical | |
Alt+0176 | ° |
Alt+0186 | º |
221A+Alt+X | √ |
Alt+43 | + |
Alt+0181 | µ |
2206+Alt+X | ∆ |
Alt+0188 | ¼ |
Alt+0189 | ½ |
Alt+0190 | ¾ |
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Alt Codes Mac E
3. Punctuation | |
Alt+34 | ' |
Alt+0171 | « |
Alt+0187 | » |
Alt+174 | « |
Alt+175 | » |
Alt+126 | ~ |
Alt+0191 | ¿ |
203+Alt+X | ‼ |
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French Alt Codes For Mac
4. Glyphs | |
Alt+0192 | À |
Alt+0193 | Á |
Alt+0194 | Â |
Alt+0195 | Ã |
Alt+0229 | å |
Alt+131 | â |
Alt+132 | ä |
Alt+133 | à |
Alt+134 | å |
Alt+142 | Ä |
Alt+143 | Å |
Alt+160 | á |
010C+Alt+X | Č |
010D+Alt+X | č |
Alt+128 | Ç |
Alt+135 | ç |
0114+Alt+X | Ĕ |
0115+Alt+X | ĕ |
Alt+0200 | È |
Alt+130 | é |
Alt+136 | ê |
Alt+137 | ë |
Alt+138 | è |
Alt+144 | É |
Alt+202 | Ê |
Alt+203 | Ë |
011E+Alt+X | Ğ |
011F+Alt+X | ğ |
0122+Alt+X | Ģ |
0123+Alt+X | ģ |
Alt+0204 | Ì |
Alt+0205 | Í |
Alt+0206 | Î |
Alt+0207 | Ï |
Alt+139 | ï |
Alt+140 | î |
Alt+141 | ì |
Alt+161 | í |
Alt+164 | ñ |
Alt+165 | Ñ |
00F8+Alt+X | ø |
014C+Alt+X | Ō |
014D+Alt+X | ō |
Alt+0210 | Ò |
Alt+0211 | Ó |
Alt+0216 | Ø |
Alt+147 | ô |
Alt+148 | ö |
Alt+149 | ò |
Alt+153 | Ö |
Alt+162 | ó |
Alt+212 | Ô |
015C+Alt+X | Ŝ |
015D+Alt+X | ŝ |
015E+Alt+X | Ş |
015F+Alt+X | ş |
00DA+Alt+X | Ú |
016B+Alt+X | ū |
Alt+016A | Ū |
Alt+0217 | Ù |
Alt+0219 | Û |
Alt+129 | ü |
Alt+150 | û |
Alt+151 | ù |
Alt+154 | Ü |
Alt+163 | ú |
0159+Alt+X | Ÿ |
Alt+152 | ÿ |
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5. Greek Alphabet | |
Alt+ 913 | Α (upper-case Alpha) |
Alt+ 914 | Β (upper-case Beta) |
Alt+ 915 | Γ (upper-case Gamma) |
Alt+ 916 | Δ (upper-case Delta) |
Alt+ 917 | Ε (upper-case Epsilon) |
Alt+ 918 | Ζ (upper-case Zeta) |
Alt+ 919 | Η (upper-case Eta) |
Alt+ 920 | Θ (upper-case Theta) |
Alt+ 921 | Ι (upper-case Iota) |
Alt+ 922 | Κ (upper-case Kappa) |
Alt+ 923 | Λ (upper-case Lambda) |
Alt+ 924 | Μ (upper-case Mu) |
Alt+ 925 | Ν (upper-case Nu) |
Alt+ 926 | Ξ (upper-case Xi) |
Alt+ 927 | Ο (upper-case Omicron) |
Alt+ 928 | Π (upper-case Pi) |
Alt+ 929 | Ρ (upper-case Rho) |
Alt+ 931 | Σ (upper-case Sigma) |
Alt+ 932 | Τ (upper-case Tau) |
Alt+ 933 | Υ (upper-case Upsilon) |
Alt+ 934 | Φ (upper-case Phi) |
Alt+ 935 | Χ (upper-case Chi) |
Alt+ 936 | Ψ (upper-case Psi) |
Alt+ 937 | Ω (upper-case Omega) |
Alt+ 945 | α (lower-case Alpha) |
Alt+ 946 | β (lower-case Beta) |
Alt+ 947 | γ (lower-case Gamma) |
Alt+ 948 | δ (lower-case Delta) |
Alt+ 949 | ε (lower-case Epsilon) |
Alt+ 950 | ζ (lower-case Zeta) |
Alt+ 951 | η (lower-case Eta) |
Alt+ 952 | θ (lower-case Theta) |
Alt+ 953 | ι (lower-case Iota) |
Alt+ 954 | κ (lower-case Kappa) |
Alt+ 955 | λ (lower-case Lambda) |
Alt+ 956 | μ (lower-case Mu) |
Alt+ 957 | ν (lower-case Nu) |
Alt+ 958 | ξ (lower-case Xi) |
Alt+ 959 | ο (lower-case Omicron) |
Alt+ 960 | π (lower-case Pi) |
Alt+ 961 | ρ (lower-case Rho) |
Alt+ 962 | ς (lower-case final Sigma) |
Alt+ 963 | σ (lower-case Sigma) |
Alt+ 964 | τ (lower-case Tau) |
Alt+ 965 | υ (lower-case Upsilon) |
Alt+ 967 | χ (lower-case Chi) |
Alt+ 968 | φ (lower-case Phi) |
Alt+ 968 | ψ (lower-case Psi) |
Alt+ 969 | ω (lower-case Omega) |
Alt Codes For Mac Keyboard
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Keyboard Ok Symbol
Sources: Windows Help on ASCII & Unicode Character Maps