How To Search For A Word On A Web Page Mac

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How many times have you come across a word online that you’ve never heard of before? How many times have you come across a word you have heard of, but just didn’t know the meaning? Either way, you’re left in the dark because you have no clue what you’ve just read.
The easiest way to resolve this issue, while using Firefox, is to install the WikiLook add-on. With it, you can lookup and define any words that you want. Plus, it supports over 70 languages, so you can look up foreign words as well.

Best Answer: Command+F The search bar will be at the top of the screen on the right and you will be able to click through the matches.

Here’s how:

Mar 29, 2019  How to Search for a Word on a Webpage. Nearly every web browser comes with a Find tool, which allows you to scan the page for matching words or phrases. You can also use Google's advanced search operators to. How to Search for Text Within a Web Page in Safari. Find specific words or phrases on a web page faster with these shortcuts for Safari on the Mac and iOS. How to Find Text Within a Page in OS X. In Pages on your Mac, search for words, phrases, numbers, and characters in a document, and automatically replace text with new content. You can search for specific words, phrases, numbers, and characters, and automatically replace search results with new content that you specify. Finding a certain bit of text using a desktop web browser is easy. Just go to the page and run a search for a specific word or phrase (control+F or command+F brings up the search tool in most browsers).Searching for text in Safari on the iPhone is a little tougher. That's mostly because the search feature is harder to find. This can be very useful if you are regularly on forums or if you have to find a specific word in a lengthy web-based document. Find out how to use the feature after the jump. How To Use the Google Chrome Page Search Feature To find a word on a webpage using Google Chrome, type the shortcut CTRL + F or ⌘ + F on Mac. This will bring up a.

1. Install the WikiLook add-on for Firefox and be sure to restart your browser.


2. While browsing the Web, use your preferred method of defining a word.

  • Hold down Shift while right-clicking a word
  • Hold down Ctrl (or Command on Mac) while right clicking a word
  • Hold down Alt (or Option on Mac) while right clicking a word
  • Highlight a word, right-click on it, and select “WikiLook” from the menu

Note: You can enable/disable your preferred methods in WikiLook’s Options, which can be accessed from the Add-ons Manager in Firefox.

3. Upon activating WikiLook, the definition of the word will display right on the page in a popup (as seen in the screenshot above). If you have the option enabled, you’ll also hear the word being pronounced on your computer.

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Now you can find out what any word means in a matter of seconds. If you want to turn WikiLook off, just click on the fancy green “A” icon on the Firefox Add-on Bar.

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Web pages were essentially meant for reading and thus vendors never cared to include “find and replace” functionality in their web browsers. Websites have however evolved and they are no longer just blocks of static content. You can write lengthy emails or even dictate text inside web pages but if you are to fix those embarrassing spelling mistakes, you’ll have to correct them one-by-one.

You cannot automatically replace a word or phrase with another inside a web page without using browser extensions. The following tutorial discusses a simple technique that will help you search and replace text in web pages using the built-in Chrome Developer Tools but without any extensions.

Also see: How to Edit Web Pages

Search and Replace for any Webpage

We’ll take a popular Wikipedia page for this example and show you how to replace all instances of one word with another.

While you are on the web page, press Ctrl+Shift+J on Windows or Cmd+Opt+J on Mac to open the Console window inside Chrome Developer tools. Now enter the following command to replace all occurrences of the word ABC with XYZ.

You can use Regular Expressions for more complex substitutions. For instance, if you wish to replace all common misspellings of occurrence, you could use either of these:

The same technique can be used to format words inside a page as well. For instance, the next command will bold all instances of the word Hello on a page.

Search and Replace Text in Gmail

Your changes aren’t preserved when you close the browser tab so you could be wondering why would anyone perform search and replace on a web page? Well, take the case of Gmail. You may have written a lengthy email but just when you were about to hit Send, you come across some spelling errors.

To fix the errors in Gmail, you can either copy the email message into notepad, perform search and replace and then paste the edited text back into Gmail. Or you can directly use Chrome Dev Tools.

How To Search For A Word On A Web Page Mac Firefox

In our previous example, we performed search and replace on document.body which in the entire web pages. However, in Gmail, we only need to replace text that’s inside the compose window.

The first step is to find the element on page where the search & replace should be done. This is easy as shown in the video above. Select the Gmail text, right-click and choose Inspect Element and make a note of the DIV ID that contains the editable textarea. It is “:h7” for Gmail.

Now all we need to is run the substitution command inside the Console window to replace word ABC with XYZ everywhere.

And your changes won’t be lost as Gmail will auto-save your Draft.

Also see: How to Learn Coding Online

How To Search For A Word On A Web Page Mac

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