Mac Os Dock For Windows 10

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RocketDock is the most famous application launcher on Windows 10. It is placed on the top of your screen. It is designed after Mac OS X launch toolbar and it keeps your shortcuts for launching apps and files. Just drag and drop shortcuts to add them in toolbar. How to get Mac OS X Dock on Windows PC. The MAC OS X’s dock acts as a key part of the operating system that has fluently served MAC over the decades with a huge experience, but since OS X has been upgraded and has changed its implementation of the Dock has also changed. There are various aspects of OSX and features that Windows users always wanted.

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Mac Os X Dock For Windows 10

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The Mac OS X dock is something that Windows doesn’t have. It’s similar to the Windows taskbar, but the dock is more of a 3D alternative. However, there are a few software packages that add Mac OS X clones to Windows. This article shows you how to use a freeware program to add a Mac OS X-like dock to Windows XP, Vista, 7, and 8 for free.

Nes emulator for mac. XWindows Dock is a quintessential dock which replicates the Mac OS X dock functionality. It includes a 3D mode that matches the original Mac OS X dock. You can add the software to Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8. Check out the software’s website, and select XWindows Dock installer to add it to Windows.

When you have opened XWindows Dock, the dock should be at the bottom of the desktop as in the shot below. To add more shortcuts to it, drag and drop desktop icons onto the dock. Start menu shortcuts can also be dragged onto the dock.

You can also add separators between the dock’s shortcuts. Right-click the dock, and then select Add > Separator. Position the shortcuts between the icons by dragging and dropping them along the dock. To remove separators and icons right-click over them, and select Options > Keep in Dock.

For further options right-click the dock, and select Preferences to open the window in the shot below. If it’s not already selected, select the 3D Dock Mode option. However, the 3D dock cannot be repositioned in the same way as the 2D alternative.

Select the Show all running apps in Dock option. Then running apps will also be displayed on the dock alongside other shortcuts. To open a preview window, move the cursor over one of the dock’s running app icons, press Alt and click over the app icon simultaneously.

Mac Like Dock For Windows

To further customize the dock, add some Mac OS X PNG icons to it. The XWindows Dock icons are customizable, and you can replace them with some of the more electrifying Mac PNG icons from the Iconfinder website. Input the keyword Mac OS X into the site’s search box to find some Mac OS X icons for the dock. Select an icon’s download option, and save to a folder. Right-click one of the dock’s icons and select Properties. Then drag the new icon onto the window in the shot below to add it to the dock.

XWindows Dock is just one of the software packages that adds a dock to Windows. Others, such as Object Dock, also have similar options. With them you can add the classy Mac OS X dock to Windows.