Task Manager For Mac

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  1. How To Open Task Manager For Mac
  2. Task Manager Macbook Air
  3. Task Manager For Mac Keys

Wondering how to open the task manager on a Mac? You might not know where this important utility is located on macOS if you’re used to Windows, or perhaps you’ve never needed to open it before.

  • Activity Monitor: Equivalent to Task Manager on a Mac. Actually, there is Activity Monitor on Mac, which is similar to the Task Manager in Windows computer. Like Windows Task Manager, Activity Monitor for Mac also enables users to manage the running applications, processes on the computer. When applications are unresponsive on Mac, what you need to do is to open Activity Monitor and end the task.
  • Feb 22, 2019  Task Manager for Mac Download: Task Manager for Mac is one of the best personal task manager application. Download Task Manager for Mac Free.With the Task Manager app, you can easily manage all your different kinds of tasks in the way you want on your Mac PC.
  • What is a keyboard shortcut for Task Manager for Mac computer. By default, there is no Ctrl + Alt + Del Mac keyboard shortcut to start monitoring the system, nevertheless, it is possible to create it. There are several ways to assign a combination of Mac Task Manager hotkeys to start monitoring the system in Mac OS.

A task manager is a pre-installed utility in any operating system which enables users to check which all programs or processes are running on their machine and what all resources they are consuming. From here you can force quit or end tasks which are not required to get your computer’s resources more focused on what you are actively doing.

Either way, we’ll show you multiple ways to get to the task manager on your Mac.

Meet Activity Monitor

Before we proceed, if you’re a Mac newcomer arriving from Windows A Quick Guide to Using a Mac for Windows UsersA Quick Guide to Using a Mac for Windows UsersEvery Windows user should know the basics of working on a Mac. Here's a quick guide to help Mac newcomers find their way around.Read More, you should know that the proper name for the macOS equivalent of the Windows Task Manager is the Activity Monitor. They perform similar functions, but they don’t actually have the same name.

With that out of the way, let’s see the ways to start the task manager utility on Mac and what it can do.

How to Open the Task Manager on Mac

The easiest way to open pretty much anything on your Mac is using Spotlight. This built-in search feature can find apps, files, and settings in just a few keystrokes.


To open Spotlight, just press Cmd + Space on your Mac. Then start typing Activity Monitor (the first few letters should bring it right up) and press Return. In a moment, you’ll see the Activity Monitor window.

Don’t want to use Spotlight for some reason? You can open the macOS task manager using the Launchpad icon on your Dock. In the list of apps, open the Other folder, and you’ll see an icon for Activity Monitor.

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Finally, you’ll also find Activity Monitor if you open Finder and browse to Applications > Utilities.

Keep Activity Monitor in the Dock

Once you open Activity Monitor using any of the above methods, it will appear in the Dock at the bottom of your screen. However, this disappears once you quit the app.

If you’d like to keep the icon close at hand, right-click it and choose Options > Keep in Dock. Then the icon will remain even when the app is closed.

What Does the Task Manager Do on Mac?

You’ll find a lot of functionality similar to the Windows Task Manager in Activity Monitor. At the top, you can choose to view information about CPU, Memory, Energy, Disk, and Network usage.

Each one shows you the processes on your computer and various information about their impact.

Most of the time, the average user won’t have much reason to open the task manager on their Mac and poke around. The system should work just fine without micromanaging processes. However, it can prove useful if you have issues on your Mac.

For instance, if your system feels slow, you might be able to pinpoint it to an app using too much CPUHow to Fix Your Mac's 'kernel_task' High CPU Usage BugHow to Fix Your Mac's 'kernel_task' High CPU Usage BugNoticing an errant process called kernel_task eating much of your Mac's available CPU? You're not alone.Read More or RAM. Weeding out apps with high energy consumption can provide better battery life for your MacBook. And you can get a handle on what apps access the internet most with the Network tab.

Now You Know About the Mac Task Manager

It’s not difficult to access Activity Monitor and see what’s happening on your Mac. We’ve shown you several shortcuts for opening it, and reviewed what information it provides.

For more information on what this tool can do, see our guide to using the Activity MonitorWhat Is Activity Monitor? The Mac Equivalent of Task ManagerWhat Is Activity Monitor? The Mac Equivalent of Task ManagerLearn all about Activity Monitor on your Mac and how to use it to check detailed information about your system.Read More.

How To Open Task Manager For Mac

Explore more about: Mac Tips, Processing, Spotlight, Task Management.

Are you facing some sort of issues regarding your Mac performance? These issues may vary from slow Mac performance to running programs on your Mac OS X. As you all know, Mac is a little different from another PC. It has Activity Monitor of its own. We usually see Task Manager in other simple computers. It isn’t difficult to go with Activity Monitor in Mac. It’s super easy!

In Activity Monitor we can perform multiple tasks like the view, manage and end applications in no time. I am going to provide you with enough info about how you can tackle the Activity Monitor in Mac. Try these things to perform your basic operations that are not easily done by simple methods like quitting of applications. I hope these are going to work for any Mac OS X user.

Activity Monitor is the Task Manager for Mac

Mac’s Task Manager is called Activity Monitor. Most of the users having Windows Operating Systems, don’t feel uncomfortable while using Activity Monitor in Mac OS X and they call it as Task Manager. It deals with the performance of each and every part or application in the system in one place. It is approximately 90% equivalent to Task Manager which is being used in Windows Operating System.

How can you Open the Task Manager in Mac?

Task Manager Macbook Air

It is very easy to find Activity Monitor in your Mac. I am going to provide you the easiest ways to open the application. First of all, It can be found in /applications/utilities/folder. It’s just the location. You don’t need to follow this path to access Task Manager in Mac OS X.

You can go this way:

  • Open search bar or Press Keyboard Shortcut Keys Command+Spacebar.
  • Type Activity Monitor there in the search field and Mac will start showing it up.
  • Press ‘Return Key’ when it comes in the search results.
  • Now, you’re in. Manage your desired tasks and see what’s going on there in your Mac OS X.

Here’s another way of accessing the Activity Monitor when you find it once.

  • Just Right click on the Activity Monitor.
  • It’ll be showing menu, choose options and click Dock option to access it easily whenever you want in just one click.

How can we use it?

Activity Monitor in Mac OS X can perform multiple tasks and shows the overall performance of the system. When you open it shows some tabs e.g. CPU (Central Processing Unit), Memory, Disks, System Energy and Network. You can check there whether these are harming you Mac or not.


Task Manager For Mac Keys

  • CPU bar tells us how applications are working and affecting the activity of our Mac OS X.
  • Memory bar’s concept is easy to understand. It tells us about the memory that is being used by the running applications. You can turn them off if you feel if it’s too much for your Mac.
  • Energy Pane shows the energy of the system that is being used in your Mac. It shows the overall energy of the system as well as the energy used by a single Application.
  • The disk pane deals with the data that each application or process has read from the internal memory of your Mac and it also mentions the data that has written to the disks.
  • It is easy to find out how much data is being sent or received by a single application. It also shows overall network data.

How to Force Quit Applications in the Task Manager (Activity Monitor)?

Are you facing problems stopping your applications in Mac? No worries. It happens sometimes when your Mac Freezes or shows up some other error. You can follow the below mentioned steps to perform force quit.

  1. You need to open Activity Monitor and click application which shows some errors and not stopping anymore.
  2. There is an ‘X’ button on the upper left side of the Activity Monitor. Click that button.
  3. < < div class=”wp-block-image”>
  4. A pop-up window comes up asking if you want to quit your mentioned application.
  5. Click quit, it’ll stop the running applications that are causing any sort of disturbance in your Mac OS X.
  6. If it’s still running, use force quit option, Activity Monitor will do the rest.

Control+Alt+Delete Option in Mac OS X

There are some shortcut keys that windows users use for performing some specific tasks. They use ‘Control+Alt+Delete’ key to open Force quit application manager. Don’t worry, it is the same for Mac as well. Mac users can use the same command to open the Force quit Application manager.

  • This is specifically for the users who are trying to end unresponsive applications running in the background.
  • To open Force quit application manager, you need to hold down Command+Option+Escape keys. Making use of it, you can quit applications that are troubling you.
  • It is a bit energy consuming but can help. If you’re more concerned with stopping unresponsive applications, then don’t care about energy consumption and open Force Quit Application Manager for immediate quitting of unresponsive or held applications.

These were a few great features of Activity Monitor in your Mac. Your Mac’s performance is captured through Activity Monitor and it helps you to identify problems there. Anyone can go through these mentioned steps to resolve any issues in a quick time. This is a little guide that can help you in performing basic system actions. You can see everything that is happening to your Mac in one place and that is Activity Monitor!